
gotta say you nailed this one early, Zach.

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Jun 28Liked by MMA Draw

yea this looks like its right on the money, ever since i saw them meddling in boxing i figured there was a wider media strategy for the monarchy here, its honestly quite effective too. MMA fans are already politically primed to slurp up bullshit from a monarch and repeat it as a sign of true fandom. This is especially clear when you see how many mma fans parrot the Crown Tomato

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thanks. It will be interesting to see if TKO can transfer the loyalty of its fans to the KSA. That would be quite a feat.

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Welcome to the (attempted) Globalist Empire's Bread and Circuses Division.

Who doesn't like bread? Circuses are fun. Sure, they don't treat the Elephants very well, but where else are you going to see an Elephant performing tricks?

I need to learn more about PT Barnum, to see if there's any applicable comparisons to be made. Or perhaps I should read-up on Nero and Caligula...

It's a big club - and American's have been getting their brains bashed with it, for more than a century.

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If you watched UFC 303, now you realize how accurate this article is. You have my regards.

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Good article, would really love to see a competent editor for this outlet though. For example why is Trump "Mr. Trump," Ari Emmanuel is "Ari," others get neither Mr. nor "first name" treatment? There are enough grammar, syntax, and consistency nitpicks that I felt this comment is justified. If we are aiming to provide highbrow analysis, please make it well-edited.

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my bad. I'm the editor.

I haven't focused on a style rule for names, will pay some attention to that.

Ari and Dana will stay Ari and Dana though, they're the main characters.

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Cheers! Looking forward to reading more of your work

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thanks so much!

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