
For a generation of MMA fans that grew up on UFC before Endeavor took over, you couldn't possibly tell the story of combat sports without spending much of your time highlighting everything Brazil had to offer.

And if you were a PRIDE fan, the wars between the various Brazilian teams was the stuff of legends. Wanderlei and Chute Boxe with power agent Koichi Kawasaki vs. Brazilian Top Team and their razor sharp agent Motoko Uchida.

And before that, my old acquaintance Wallid Ismael and the insanely crazy Vale Tudo fights.

Fight sports used to be wild, colorful, crazy, dangerous, and out of control. Brazil was back yard to all of it. The venture capitalists and under-25 year old MMA fans have no idea what they missed out on.

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hear! hear!

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Sep 4Liked by MMA Draw

Obviously it’s not great for the fighters but can’t they use instagram to promote/engage in conversation? Is X so critical?

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The Meta product family isn't very popular in Brazil for whatever reasons. More Brazilians are moving to Bluesky than Threads.

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Black Brazil Unite Against White SUPREMACIST MAGAT Amerikkka and Musk and UFC. Trump, Musk and UFC is part of Global White SUPREMACIST movement. UFC should be banned in Brazil and Africa. Black Brazil must rise up. White Brazil is heavily armed.. Black Brazil majority must arm up also against Bolsanaro and White SUPREMACIST. Musk see White Brazil as an Apartheid State that must be preserved at all costs thats why he is encouraging Race War and White SUPREMACIST Military Coup by White SUPREMACIST military Fascist Boys from Brazil.

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LOL please ignore stuff about AI at bottom of my post. My Google kicked in and wrote that stuff from some guy speaking about AI on my TV. There should be an EDIT button to clean up or Edit Posts before Posting.

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I didn't care about the AI non sequitor but the part where you called me a white supremacist was less amusing.

For the record, I'm no fan of Elon Musk or any of the tech bros but I also fear government censorship and feel like the people are just caught in the middle of a battle of the titans.

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White SUPREMACIST Amerikkka and Musk and UFC alliance with White Supremacy is now trying t9 export its White Supremacist Culture to the rest of the World. Brazil was built on White Supremacy just like Amerikkka. Like Amerikkka White Supremacy DNA is firmly embedded in Brazil society. Black Like Bahia should separate from White Brazil before its too late. As an Aparthied White SUPREMACIST Musk bought Twitter to lead and organized the White SUPREMACIST fight against Black people and he knows like Amerikkka is a racial tinderbox. He is political arsonist with assets that can be deployed on behalf of White Supremacy. This article is obviously written by a white SUPREMACIST because he tries to create some kind of moral equivalence between Musk a white SUPREMACIST and those in the Brazilian government trying to preserve Democracy against White SUPREMACIST Fascist internally and externally. On AI we can't ban assault how do we get to ban fake humans through AI how does that happen

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