The funding of Daesh and Al Qaeda affiliates from the Gulf Monarchies doesn't just occur in a vacuum. Often this seems to occur as a 'cut-out' for CIA/MI-6 Covert Operations.

Notice that in long and brutal war against the Yemeni 'Houthis', by Saudi Arabia, with US, UK and Zionist Entity blessings and assistance - Al Qaeda was the on-the-ground fighting forces of 'the west'. The same is true in the long war against the Syrian Arab Republic, started under Hillary Clinton and Obama, in ~2011. They were used to overthrow Qaddafi in Libya.

And now we have "ISIS-K" - which, according to reporting by Iran's PressTV, was flown to Afghanistan by the US Military, and then was extracted from several tactical encirclements, again by the US Military - when they were losing their fights against the Taliban.

Let's not forget that dubious Shahada oaths issued by the Crocus Hall attackers, were done while raising their left hands, and with their faces blurred (both are atypical, and the former is a complete no-no, amongst serious followers of Takfiri Wahabbi Islam). Their escape route chosen in that instance was a much longer route, that led straight to Ukraine, where the Military Intelligence of CIA-asset Kiril Budanov had cleared them an entrypoint, through the usual minefields, guards and defenses. The Russians took great pains to capture those guys alive - and managed to connect the Crocus Hall attack directly to the CIA and NATO's Ukrainian proxies. And now we have these attacks in Dagestan... Perhaps this is what Victoria Nuland was talking about, when (prior to being reassigned to her Golden-Parachute gig at Columbia University) she mentioned "a series of 'nasty surprises' for [Russia] on the Battlefield".

Karim isn't going to bring this up...but "ISIS" is a 'plausibly deniable' US/NATO Empire proxy force.

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yup and it's ominous to me that the UFC is at the nexus of so much of this

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