
We are in this very strange place where we are constantly having to read the political tea leaves with UFC. Endeavor's machine runs WWE and UFC but the political flavoring from the two administratively is curious. Dana is now claiming that WWE is borrowing from UFC. I'm not suggesting competitive tension but it has been unusual to see what Dana is focusing on right now.

UFC wiped out the competition and now it's getting harder for Dana to find foils to rile him up to get those competitive juices flowing. He can blather about wanting new challenges all he wants but something feels adrift.

The political golden parachute doesn't appear to be as secure as previously thought. Vince McMahon is about to get wrecked to Endeavor's liking on Netflix. The palace intrigue is starting to percolate because of the corporate and political nature of Endeavor as a political shop.

When the substance of the product gets shakier and the office becomes enamored with process and politics, you start walking into traps. WWE has the benefit of Triple H steering the creative ship. The UFC matchmaking system leaves a lot to be desired.

By any other metric, The Sphere making a profit and generating a record gate for revenue would be cause for celebration. For you, for me, and anyone else. For Endeavor, that VC mindset of violating their standard business model and profit margins is so sacrosanct that what should be the cherry on top of the sundae is instead internally being debated over as some sort of albatross.

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3k to get foot in door, 1000s + tickets unsold, PRICES DROPPING FAST! A 10 fight card that is OK AND definitely not the greatest live event ever tbh. Grossly misplayed their hand on this one. The market said no ty. #nocheufc #ufc306. Sticker shock had a lot of fans/ppl pivot 100%

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