
It's been a hell of a year so far financially and politically for TKO. What's happening now in Washington is a perfect recipe for the UFC business model forthcoming...

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Love these articles. Really enjoy reading a journalistic approach to covering the UFC/TKO.

I’ve been a long time fan of MMA, in particular the UFC. First live event I attended was UFC 93.

In relation to live event attendance, from my POV as a fan, it is a fantastic night out. It’s not just about the fights. It’s the music blasted on the speakers between fights and a real party atmosphere.

It’s like going to a club but with world class fights and top quality in-arena production thrown in.

I fully agree with your take, but wanted to add a fan’s perspective. I know UFC/TKO take of the money, but I’ve tried my best to support fighters. I have many Dethrone and Silver Star fighter tees from back in the day and still buy merch direct from fighters.

Fans are dying for live events, due to the good economy and post-COVID demand. I’m attending a MisFits event in the coming months just to get a live event fix!!! lol

Great article!

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I laugh at Mark Shapiro calling live events "the experience economy." Enjoy our flywheel!

You mention supporting fighters directly -- it's interesting how the various clauses in Endeavor-era UFC fighter contracts assign so many rights to the company. How does a fighter create an independent side venture that doesn't require Endeavor's blessing or % of ownership?

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100% agree that clauses in fighter contracts are significant impediment to them earning. I still try to buy direct. Visit Good Fight Foundation site, Jon Anik’s merch site etc. trying to support directly.

You may throw your computer at the wall after reading this, but over the years I’ve been collecting MMA (mostly UFC) unique pieces. In recent months, I’ve purchased a used fight stool and event ring card! I know this goes to TKO and not the fighter’s but as a degenerate collector (lol), sometimes I can’t help myself.

Appreciate the obviously huge amount of prep and research you and colleague put into these MMA DRAW articles, which allows us fans see under the hood of the TKO/UFC vehicle.

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